Is it Possible to Replace Conventional Oil with Synthetic?

In the automotive sector, there is a lot of misunderstanding concerning switching to a different kind of motor oil. Naturally, when the uninformed hear this, they begin to wonder: is it possible to transition from conventional to synthetic oil? This same erroneous advice is particularly popular when discussing older automobiles with high mileage engines.

Some technicians, both in shops and on the internet, are still stuck in the past, believing that synthetic motor oils are bad for engines. A common misconception is that camshaft roller followers “slip or slide” while using synthetic oil. Another myth asserted by them is that switching to synthetic motor oil in cars with increased mileage may result in oil leaks. There is no proof to back these claims. Let’s take a look at how switching to synthetic oils can actually improve your vehicle’s performance.

conventional oil vs. synthetic oil

What Happens if You Switch to Synthetic Oil?

Experimentation and demonstration have shown that these antiquated beliefs about synthetics causing motor difficulties are in reality untrue. The reality is that well produced synthetics have benefits that much outweigh those provided by traditional oils. Synthetic lubricating oils have grown in popularity during the past decade. Synthetic lubricants are being used by a growing number of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the automotive and light-duty truck industries. Additionally, high-performance automobiles can be added to the list of vehicles converting from traditional to synthetic oil.

Is it possible to convert to synthetic oil from conventional? You’re the boss, so you can do anything you want! If you wish to switch from conventional oil to synthetic oil, just make an appointment at your local mechanic’s shop. You may certainly apply your preferred synthetic motor oil yourself if you don’t mind getting your hands filthy.

Increase Vehicle Performance Through the Use of Synthetics

The following are some of the primary advantages of switching from conventional to synthetic oil. For starters, you’ll have an oil that can withstand extreme temperatures without breaking down. When used in high-temperature applications, most standard oils easily degrade (more information here.)

Your engine will remain cleaner and perform more effectively if you convert from conventional oil to a high-quality synthetic oil. Longer engine and oil life is a direct result of this cleanliness. Some of the finest synthetic motor oils available today have a duty life of up to 25,000 miles. Compare that to standard conventional oil, which generally only lasts 3,000 miles at the most. Switching to high-quality synthetic engine oil can save you money in the long run.

engine oil

With the rising expense of gasoline and the increasing importance of green technology, switching to long-lasting synthetic engine oil benefits both you and the environment. Synthetic motor oil improves your vehicle’s fuel efficiency by minimizing friction in the engine. A more fuel-efficient, cleaner-burning engine is made possible by reducing engine friction. Cleaner engine combustion is beneficial for the environment.

Oil that lasts 25,000 miles instead of 3,000 miles is clearly better for the environment since it produces less hazardous waste. Overall, while deciding whether to convert from conventional to synthetic oil, you can be comfortable that your engine will be happier, your pocketbook will be fatter, and the environment will be pleased that you did.

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